Post Date: 12/16/2016
The holiday season is a time of joy, but it can also be professionally and personally stressful. Many managers find that their employees are overwhelmed by extra work, distracted by family obligations and stretched thin by the demands of the season. It’s a volatile combination that can lead to lost productivity, flaring tempers, illness, and burnout. While this time of the year will always be chaotic, here are some ways to manage workplace stress.
Ways to Manage Workplace Stress During Holidays
Sympathize with Staff
Acknowledge this time of the year is going to be hectic. Unexpected absences, distracted workers, and stress are par for the course, so make a conscious decision to work through it together. Let your workers know that you still expect their best effort, but you understand how stressful the holidays can be. Simply acknowledging that you understand and sympathize can go a long way to relieving stress and anxiety. Offer to step in and lend a helping hand if necessary.
Be Flexible with Staff
If possible, try to be flexible during the holiday season. Allowing temporary flexible work hours or giving employees some work time to handle personal matters can help people cope with the many demands of the season. Even something as simple as loosening up the dress code around the holidays can help employees feel more relaxed.
Pay Attention to Staff
With the holiday frenzy, it is often easy to overlook signs of depression, anxiety, or hostility in your workforce. Although it is a season of joy, many people can become depressed or withdrawn. If you notice someone struggling with the emotional toll of the season, reach out to them and offer assistance.
Show Gratitude to Staff
A simple thank you may not seem like a big deal, but during times of stress, it can make a tremendous impact. Writing a personal thank you note to an employee for something specific can reinvigorate their effort and enthusiasm.
Let the experts at VIP Staffing help you take the stress out of the holiday season!