Post Date: 07/06/2018
In 1988, Mary Beth Tablada-Simons was a recent Trinity University grad with little work experience, looking for a stable job to jump-start her career. One of her friends had recently been hired by then “VIP Temporary” as a receptionist and recommended she apply with the company – that’s when Mary Beth met President & CEO, Michael Himoff.
Despite being high energy and bilingual, MaryBeth was not immediately hired as she had no real world experience. In addition, Michael had recently taken the reins of VIP Temporary and was being overly cautious with any new hires. After being interviewed eight times, Michael finally hired Mary as a placement coordinator – she was his second employee. Six months later she was promoted to marketing account executive and the rest is history.
Shortly after joining VIP, Mary Beth met her now husband, Andrew Simons, during an interview for an open position for one of VIP Temporary’s customers. Three years later, Andrew wanted to move back to his home state of New Mexico. In love, Mary Beth wanted to join him but did not want to leave the VIP Staffing family. She asked Michael if starting a VIP Staffing office in Albuquerque, New Mexico was an option. Pleased with her success in San Antonio, Michael took a chance and allowed Mary Beth to open the New Mexico location in April of 1991. 30 years later, Mary Beth is the President of the New Mexico VIP Staffing Division and married to Andrew with three children.
“It has been a pleasure to work with Mary Beth for the last 30 years. Not only is she a priceless employee of VIP Staffing, she’s also become part of my family. I have been very fortunate to call her a friend as well as a business associate. She is a remarkable woman,” said President & CEO Michael Himoff.
When speaking of Michael, Mary Beth has great pride and adoration. “He has taught me so much about business that I would never have learned without his mentorship. He is an amazing friend who has allowed me to grow both professionally and personally. His friendship means the world to me.”
VIP Staffing is proud to have an employee with such dedication to their career. In today’s business world, not many employees have the devotion to remain with the same company for 30 years, but Mary Beth exudes commitment, loyalty and success. Congrats Mary Beth on your 30 years with VIP Staffing!