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VIP Staffing

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Everything is Better Since VIP Staffing Helped Me

Post Date: 07/14/2021

My experience with VIP Staffing was great. The staff was kind and professional. They actually care about you as a person to find you gainful employment.

I was with a friend helping him do his application at VIP Staffing and I9 on the computer at their office, and I heard some positions and pay that were available while I was waiting for him to finish with the representative. Those positions sounded interesting and something I could do, so I applied.

Everything is better since VIP Staffing helped me find this new job…I love this job and the people I work for and with. There is a good, caring vibe in the environment. I’ve always worked in an office environment before, not a warehouse, so this was a new experience for me. But I picked up on how to do it very quickly.  I am not only working for a paycheck to survive, I’m working for my health. This job is keeping me active and moving. It’s helping me to lose weight.  This pandemic has changed a lot for the working people. I am Blessed to be working and able to be active to better my health.


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